Successfully Achieve Your Fat Loss Goal

And never gain it back

without the frustration and overwhelming anxiety of feeling like diabetes is an obstacle.

If you have type 1 diabetes and you're committed to achieving your fat loss goal, but struggling to balance food and blood sugars and you want to lose weight in a sustainable way then you already know that nutrition matters A LOT.

After all, you’ve probably been told a million times from doctors and diabetes educators that nutrition is the key to your overall success.

You’ve probably also heard that there’s no one size fits all approach to nutrition and that fueling your body properly is crucial if you want to lose fat and keep it off for good.



Even if you eat healthy, customizing your macros and calories to your body and lifestyle can:



    Truth is, most fat loss programs don't take the individual into account and if you want to achieve successful fat loss it's crucial that you build a strong foundation right from the start by fueling your body with the right amount of protein, carbs and fat each day. That's exactly what you'll learn how to do.


    You'll not only lose fat in a sustainable way that supports your blood sugars, but you'll be able to maintain your fat loss goal without ever worrying about gaining it all back because you will have built a strong foundation  and learned how to keep your metabolism a fat burning machine.

    When you know how many grams of protein, fat and carbs your body needs each day to achieve your goals it makes it so much easier to keep your blood sugars stable because you can time your food intake better based on your activity and you'll have more consistency overall.

    When you know exactly how much food your body requires individually and how to balance your calories, you suddenly realize you have deliberate control over your energy balance and therefor your fat loss results. Having a flexible approach to nutrition instead of rigid makes it a lifestyle versus just another "diet plan" so you can stay consistent and not only achieve, but maintain your fitness goals without struggling so hard.

    Knowing the steps is one thing, but how you apply them is what determines your success in the end and having someone in your corner to answer ALL your questions and a community to support you every step of the way makes it a lot easier to get to the finish line faster.

Even though the reasons to lose weight are obvious, the path to doing it successfully is anything but

It starts off with the best intentions.

You’re excited to get started

You even tell your friends and family that you’re gonna FINALLY lose weight.

But after a few weeks in, you've consumed more food treating lows and you still haven't lost a single pound...and you feel frustrated, like all of your hard work has gone to waste.

As the rollercoaster amps up and the doubt creeps in...your motivation slowly starts to fizzle and you begin to ask yourself a really scary, but appropriate question:

"what's the point?"

You’ve given up french fries for salads, date nights, pizza, time with your family and friends (and even a glass of wine) to be at the gym, stress about your food and to feel extra guilty because you have nothing to show for it. And you suddenly start to wonder if it’s even worth it. 

This is when most fat loss enthusiasts throw in the towel.

Without a clear step-by-step plan, most fitness enthusiasts get completely discouraged.

They fall into the disappointment of yet another failed diet plan and they silently blame their disease and take out their frustration on their significant other while he or she comfortingly says they look fine the way they are, when really, deep down on the inside, they still feel like a giant whale.

And just like that, reality sets in.

nothing's changed.

They’re back where they started; searching the web for answers.

And another year passes that they hide their body in big sweaters and hang onto their favorite pair of jeans for a little while longer, in hopes that “some day” they’ll fit.


Here’s why it’s so undeniably challenging

As a busy human you already have a million things on your plate and you don’t have time to dabble in diets or workout plans that frankly, don’t work.

But your fitness goals are really important to you because

YOU KNOW that taking care of your body is what’ll give you the best quality life to spend with your loved ones

YOU KNOW that losing weight and having a proper nutrition plan will help lower your A1C

YOU KNOW that it’ll not only make you feel confident AF, but it’s also the very thing that ensures you don’t live life standing on the sidelines.

Therefore having a proper nutrition  plan is the FIRST step.

And YOU KNOW that it must be possible after all, because you see other type 1's who are fit as can be with perfect A1C's

Which means...

Even if nothing’s worked for you before….

Even if you don’t know where to start…

Even if you feel SUPER overwhelmed when it comes to food...

There’s still opportunity for you to achieve your fat loss goal.

That is…if you avoid the same demoralizing mistakes that most people make when jumping into their fat loss journey.

The 4 Reasons Why Most Diet Plans Fail


Because "Diet Plans" Don't Work

Ever tried to stick to a diet, fell off the wagon and felt like a complete failure?

Yah, me too.

Truth is, the only diet that works is one that's customized to your body and fits your lifestyle instead of dominates it.

"How can I lose weight when I’m constantly consuming extra calories treating lows?"

Nutrition is the foundation to building the body of your dreams, but it really doesn't have to be so complicated.

When you know how to balance your carb intake and calories when treating low blood sugar, you’ll lose fat regardless of hypo snacks. This is just one example of the questions that are answered inside the Balanced Body Guide.

If you stick with me, I’ll share the top secrets that other fitness professionals use in a way that applies to you from a diabetic point of view.


You're Eating "Healthy", But Still Consuming Too Many Calories

It doesn't matter your diet, how much insulin you take or how "healthy" you eat..

What matters is HOW you're fueling your body individually.

In order to lose fat you need to be maintaining a calorie deficit and when you're fueling your body with the right amount of protein, fat + carbs each day it's so much easier to achieve your fat loss goal and keep your sugars stable in the process.



They Don't Take The Individual into Account

Sustainable fat loss doesn’t happen over night and while fad diets might get you immediate results, they’ll never work in the long term because nobody wants to live off steamed veggies for the rest of their life.

The fact is, fueling your body with the proper amount of food each day and making sure your diet fits your lifestyle is the most important part.

Because when your nutrition and is personalized to your body and can fit your lifestyle instead of dominate it you’ll lose fat without feeling like diabetes is such an obstacle.

Above all, you’ll need to start viewing your fat loss program as a lifestyle change versus just another “diet plan".


Application OVER Information

Information is easy to find (and it can also make you easily overwhelmed)

The application process, however, is what’ll make you successfully lose weight and keep it off for years to come.

While the dabbler or yoyo dieter runs off information alone, the successful weight loss achiever is determined, meticulous and totally committed to putting in consistent effort and has the patience to see their results through until the end.

As a committed fitness enthusiast, you refuse to settle for less.

Achieving your fat loss goal takes time and patience and the flexibility to roll with the punches in the process to get there.

When you don’t see results, it’s easy to lose motivation and give up – but the reality is, successful fat loss takes time and it may take months until your clothes start fitting looser.

Yes, this can be frustrating. I totally get it.

But as long as you have the proper step-by-step plan and support, all you need is the right commitment and willingness to keep pushing forward.

Even though it seems like a no brainer, it can be daunting to get started.

SO many things have to work in your favor in order to successfully achieve your fat loss goals with type 1 diabetes.

More than MOST people understand.

And because you have so much going on in your life already, working a real job on top of managing your diabetes 24/7, it’s hard to even find the time to meal prep let alone figure out how to balance everything so you can actually see your hard work pay off.

It's not that you're not capable. It's that you're human.

There’s good news. As long as you can avoid the hiccups that has most would-be fat loss achievers throwing in their towel early, the map is laid out for you and your future fat loss success... that gives you the clarity, confidence and tools to lose fat and keep it off for years to come!

 The key ingredient to all of this is a customized plan that works.

And with your permission, I’d LOVE to show you how to lose fat with type 1.

What People Are Saying...

"Shirts I haven't been able to wear in a year because they were to small now fit me. 17 weeks into working out, counting macros and logging my progress, I am happy with who I see in the mirror. I've learned so much from Taja, and her guidance and support have been invaluable."




Balanced Body Guide

Sustainable Fat Loss for People With Type 1 Diabetes

BALANCED BODY GUIDE is the ONLY program of its kind that…

Not only shows you exactly how much food your body needs to lose fat, but how to customize your macros and calories to your body and lifestyle so that you can keep your blood sugars stable and keep the fat off for years to come.

So if you’re ready to finally lose weight while avoiding all of the unnecessary frustration that accompanies trying to stick to a diet with type 1 diabetes

Here's how we'll help you get here:

What’s Inside

Balanced Body Guide

 3-components to lasting fat loss

In AUDIO Format So You Can Learn As You Go! 🙌🏼




Nutrition + Cardio

AKA "Nourished + Activated"

This is the first step of your fat loss journey.

Here, you'll build the foundation that will ensure you're set up for success in the future.

This is the first, most important step to your fat loss success because in order to actually lose weight you need to be consuming the proper amount of calories each day for YOUR body and how to accurately track your food intake and monitor changes in bodyweight (yes, you’ll need to weigh yourself daily, too!) because unfortunately, knowing how many calories/macros your body needs to lose weight isn’t enough to get you results alone. In order to successfully lose weight, you’ll need to actually put them into action.

Yep. I totally get it.

I used to DREAD weighing myself. And tracking + weighing my food everyday seemed like a LOT of extra work, inconvenient, time consuming and extremely awkward.

But tracking your food intake and monitoring changes in body weight is so, so, sooo important to your success.


  • You’ll know how many calories your body needs to lose weight
  • You’ll know how much protein, fat, carbs your body needs each day
  • You’ll know how to adjust your carb intake to keep your blood sugar stable
  • You’ll know how to accurately track your food intake and body weight daily in order to get the best results
  • You’ll learn a flexible approach to nutrition so that you can still lose weight even on the days you have to consume more food treating low blood sugar
  • You'll have a customized fat loss protocol/progress log to follow and track your progress each week!
  • How to expertly analyze and adjust your program so that you continuously and confidently keep losing fat for weeks and months to come
  • You’ll know how to properly implement cardio to achieve the best results
  • You'll know how to keep your blood sugars stable with exercise

Recovery + Mindfulness

AKA "Recovered + Connected"

If there’s one habit that’ll get you the best results over a longer period of time, it’s taking time to get proper recovery and minimize the amount of stress that's applied on your body.

This is crucial for achieving successful fat loss and it's also the most overlooked aspect when it comes to your fat loss plan, and with every good reason...

"I'm soooo busy"

However, the body needs proper recovery in order to achieve transformational results because the more stress that's applied on the body, the higher cortisol levels and the harder it is to lose fat and keep blood sugar stable.

Giving yourself a "time out" to get proper rest and recovery will help you achieve your fat loss goal soooo much faster.


  • You’ll know how to limit stress and get proper recovery so you can achieve your fat loss goal faster
  • You’ll get my personal meditation practice I use daily that will completely uplift your day (best part is it only take a few seconds to do!)
  • You’ll learn the exact framework that I use any time I or anyone I work with wants to lose fat 
  • You'll have easy and actionable steps so you can achieve your fat loss goal without the overwhelm
  • You'll know exactly how to achieve your goals and keep the fat off for good


Community + Support

AKA "Uplifted + Supported"

Now that you’ve been tracking your food intake and body weight daily and making macro + cardio adjustments as needed, it's time to hit up the community and get the support you need to see your results through till' the end.

This is the stage in your fat loss journey where you'll master the key steps to achieving your overall fat loss transformation because how you apply the information is the key ingredient that ties everything together.

So be sure to ask me your questions and join our monthly LIVE sessions so you can feel totally confident with how you're applying your nutrition every step of the way!


  • You'll have the clarity and answers to your questions whenever you feel stuck
  • You'll get the support and accountability you need to stay motivated so you can successfully achieve your fat loss goal once and for all
  • Have community and accountability every step of the way!

Monthly Live Q&A Sessions

When you join the Body Balanced Guide, I won’t let you jump in without having clarity and support to see your fat loss through till' the end.

Join us monthly for a LIVE Q&A session with me to get all the answers and clarity you need to succeed.

Meaning, there will ALWAYS be an answer to your questions and I'l be there personally to support you along your journey so you’ll never feel stuck for long.



 Private Members Only Facebook Group for Community and Accountability

Get the answers and clarity you need and never feel alone or uncertain again.

That’s my promise to you once you're part of the private Facebook tribe.

With both myself and your T1D pals in your corner, you’ll turn frustration into motivation wherever you are in your personal fitness journey and feel supported every step of the way!



zero commitments.

 Let me be completely honest.

Balanced Body Guide teaches ambitious type 1's (you!) step-by-step how to calculate your food intake to your body and lifestyle, and is committed to providing you with the exact tools that when applied, will get you the best results possible in the long term.

In order to get the best results, you have to be willing to…

Track your food intake daily, weigh yourself daily and do some cardio.

Now here’s the THING.

Once you join, you'll instantly have access to ALL the contents...

Meaning, you’ll have the opportunity to figure out how much food your body needs to lose fat, personally customize your nutrition to your body and lifestyle AND how to adjust your nutrition and cardio to keep losing fat for weeks to come 

But if you don’t feel totally confident and motivated by the contents (and your ability to apply the information and successfully lose weight), simply cancel at anytime with no cancellation fees. Review the full cancellation policy here.

Here’s what you’re getting when you join:

Balanced Body Guide: 3 components to lasting fat loss with 5 steps showing you exactly HOW to prescribe your own nutrition to lose fat and keep your blood sugar stable in audio format so you can learn as you go! - $349 Value!

  • Bonus 1: Monthly Live Q&A Sessions with Taja so that you have the support you need and answers to ALL your fat loss and diabetes questions - $197 Value!
  • Bonus 2: Private Members Only Facebook Group for community and accountability so you can stay motivated every step of the way!  - $97 Value!

Total Value: $643

When you add it all up, that’s a value of $643

But when you enroll today, you’ll get access to everything for just:

Join us for just $26 monthly!





Pay for 12 months upfront


save $100!



If you already track macros but don't know how to adjust them or don't feel 100% confident with how to calculate your macros than this course will still be beneficial for you!

The amount of calories your body needs is always changing so if you have the right tools in your pocket to make the appropriate adjustments to your macros in order to keep losing fat than you're golden!

The body balanced guide is focused solely on nutrition and implementing cardio to create a deficit for fat loss.

There is no strength training workouts included however, obviously you can follow your own strength workouts in addition to applying the nutrition you learn from this fact, we highly recommend it! :)

Totally get it, keeping track of every little thing can be so(oooo) exhausting!

But once you get into the routine it gets SO much easier and becomes second nature (like injecting insulin!)

Tracking your food isn't something you have to do forever, either. Once you've been doing it for awhile and you've lost weight, you'll be a able to track food more intuitively without being so meticulous!

When you have a fat loss program that's customized to your body and lifestyle and apply it, you'll be able to actually start losing weight...which is exactly what this program teaches you to do!

PLUS, you'll be well equipped with the tools and support to bust through barriers and plateaus if they arise.

Weight loss is different for everyone and successful weight loss can take weeks or sometimes months to achieve an actual transformation.

With the right tools you, knowledge and application you will be on your way to achieving a transformation and that's what this course is, a step-by-step application to set you up for success. 

Inside the Body Balanced Guide you'll learn the exact steps you need to customize your nutrition to your body and lifestyle which will help you lose weight regardless of how much insulin you take (PLUS, the more muscle you have and the lower your body fat percentage is, the more insulin sensitive you'll it's a win, win! :-))

You will need a food scale that weighs in grams and ounces and a body weight scale to get the most out of the Body Balance Guide program. (You can find them cheap on Amazon). :)

Yes! This program is macro-nutrition focused meaning, you'll learn how much protein, fat + carbs your body needs each day and can eat whatever diet you enjoy without a strict diet plan.

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:

Balanced Body Guide - 349$ Value

  • Bonus 1 - $197 Value
  • Bonus 2 - $97 Value

Total Value: $643

When you add it all up, that’s a value of $643

But when you enroll today, you’ll get access to everything for just:

Join us for just $26 monthly!




Pay for 12 months upfront


save $100!


Balanced Body Guide is PERFECT for you if…

  1. You're just starting your fat loss journey and want to lose weight in a sustainable way that supports your blood sugars
  2. You're struggling to lose weight and figure out "a diet that works" and you just want to achieve your fat loss goal once and for all
  3. You're new to macro nutrition or don't know how to properly adjust your macros in order to keep losing weight
  4. You're ready and committed to making your fat loss goals a priority each week and you're ready to get started and lose weight for good!
  5. You would rather spend a little extra time tracking your food intake and body weight each day than spend another minute in your current situation
  6. You're afraid to keep track of more things each day, but you're excited that tracking your food and body weight can make you lose weight and love what you see in the mirror, regardless of how much insulin you take
  7. You're aware and excited that by fueling your body properly you can start losing fat
  8. You're ready to figure out how much food your body needs to lose fat and keep your blood sugar stable so that you can lose fat and keep it off for years to come

If you said “yes” to at least 5 of the above, I can’t wait to meet you inside Balanced Body Guide!

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:

Balanced Body Guide - 349$ Value

  • Bonus 1 - $197 Value
  • Bonus 2 - $97 Value

Total Value: $643

When you add it all up, that’s a value of $643

But when you enroll today, you’ll get access to everything for just:

Join us for just $26 monthly!




Pay for 12 months upfront


save $100!



You're ready to achieve transformational results inside Body Balanced Guide that has people asking  "how-did-you-do-it" if...
  1. You're just getting started with your fat loss journey and want to make sure your hard work is actually going to pay off in the end by using the key formula when it comes to fat loss that other fitness professionals use, but from a TYPE 1 point of view, in an easy-to-follow step-by-step process
  2. You've  been trying to lose weight for months (or what feels like your whole dang life!) but you haven't been tracking your food intake or adjusting your macros and you're feeling frustrated because everything you've tried so far hasn't worked.
  3. You already KNOW you need to focus on your nutrition, but you just don't know where to even start (or you're constantly second guessing yourself).
  4. You have no problem putting in the consistent effort as long as you know that every bit of effort you put in is going to be a strategic step forward towards achieving your fat loss goal.
  5. In fact, you're ALREADY putting in consistent effort hitting the gym and eating "healthy". Only problem is, without a clear strategy that customizes your nutrition to YOUR body and lifestyle, you're experiencing nothing but discouraging "why do I even bother" results followed by crippling frustration that has you wondering if your diabetes is the reason you haven't achieved your fat loss goal yet.
  6. You want to feel confident with nutrition and you no longer want to feel lost choosing foods to eat or guilty b'cause you just can't seem to stick to a set set diet plan when you have to eat extra calories treating low blood sugar.
  7. You care about how you look and feel in 2019, 2020 and beyond and you want to feel confident in your swim suit and wake up every morning feeling like the best version of yourself.
  8. You're aware of the positive things you'll attract as the best version of yourself because you'll no longer sit life on the sidelines, instead you'll have confidence and love yourself and your body.
  9. You're excited to implement a fat loss plan that is customized with the type 1 diabetic in mind because your tired of feeling like diabetes is an obstacle to achieving your fat loss goal and you're excited to be part of a community that'll help keep you motivated, answer your type 1 and fitness questions and be there to support you every step of the way.
  10. You feel confident investing in yourself knowing there's zero commitments and having full, instant access to the body balanced guide will help you decide if it's the right fit for you

Did you catch yourself nodding your head?

Hey You :)

Between dia-buddies, I have a confession to make.

When I first started my fitness journey I had a lot of self doubt because my whole life I struggled to lose weight and keep it off.

So I got serious about learning how much food my body needed individually and how to fuel my body properly in order to lose fat and keep my blood sugar stable. Most importantly, I learned to be patient.

Within a few short years I had not only achieved my fat loss goal, but for the first time in my entire life, I felt in control of my body, my blood sugars and confident in my skin.

No matter what anyone says, having type 1 diabetes won't stop you from having the body of your dreams.

You CAN achieve your goals. YOU'VE got this.

And if you want to lose weight in a sustainable way that makes you feel in control and empowered, then I can't wait to lead you down that path.

Ready to get started? Let's gooo!

 Join us for just $26 monthly!


Cancel at any time with no cancellation fees.

Full, instant access to The Body Balanced Guide.

Monthly LIVE Q&A sessions.

Invitation to join our secret Fit T1D tribe.

Audio lessons so you can learn as you go

Price locked in and will never increase.


Pay for 12 months upfront


 Cancel at any time with no cancellation fees.

 Full, instant access to The Body Balanced Guide.

 Monthly LIVE Q&A sessions.

 Invitation to join our secret Fit T1D tribe.

Audio lessons so you can learn as you go

 Price locked in and will never increase.

 Save $100!


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